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3 PC's includes PC, Mac & Mobile. Installs in moments. Protects forever. Our program is so light and easy to install, you and your family will be protected in just moments. It’ll then keep protecting you day and night, automatically updating itself against the latest threats to help keep you and your family safe.
Threats stand no chance - Complete, multi-device protection against viruses, ransomware, dangerous websites, and identity thieves. Trend Micro? Maximum Security stops 250+ million threats daily, so you can enjoy your digital life safely. Total protection for your mobile world - Your phone and tablet need protection too. Get advanced mobile security against viruses, spyware, thieves, and everything in-between with mobile security that delivers 100% malicious app detection.
Protects and manages your passwords - Securely stores all your passwords and sensitive information, so you can access them when needed on any device. Trend Micro? Maximum Security can prevent ransomware from maliciously encrypting your files and holding them hostage until you pay the attacker. Folder Shield adds an extra layer of defense that limits access to files within the protected folder.
Trend Micro? Maximum Security checks your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ account settings for known privacy risks to ensure that your personal information are private and protected. Allows you to see risk ratings in your social networking sites.
‧ How long does it take for malware to infect your brand-new computer? If you use free or other inferior security software, maybe not long at all. ‧ Cybercriminals are more sophisticated than ever before, and they use a diverse arsenal of tools to gain access to your information. Other security products just don’t have the resources to keep up with new threats as they emerge. ‧ But our products do. As the threats get worse, our products just keep getting better. Our teams of security experts are constantly analyzing new threats and devising new ways to protect your devices from them. ‧ Our concentrated combination of dedication and expertise benefits our customers. Our products consistently outperform the competition in independent head-to-head tests. ‧ We include a protection promise- only we can make. We’re so confident in our ability to keep you secure, we offer our Virus Protection Promise. ‧ Our product is the quick and easy way to protect yourself from online threats – without all the hassle. It is built upon some of the most powerful security technologies in the world. Combining advanced heuristics with the power of cloud computing, we make sure that you have the strongest protection possible. It protects against viruses and online threats, safeguards your confidential financial data, and also improves your PC's performance in the process. But you don’t have to take our word for it: Our technology is trusted by millions of users and consistently earns the praise of independent review platforms. With near-perfect scores across all tests, it is an industry leader in detection, protection, performance, and malware removal. ‧ Super Secure: Our product is one of the most highly awarded solutions in history - and it just got better. Our next-generation security has an upgraded virus engine with enhanced malware removal and the industry’s best self-defense capabilities.
Shipping Weight: 0.6 ounces


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